Tuesday, April 01, 2008


If you are wondering what this is all about, this is a picture of a grining Cheshire cat! His grin is almost as wide as mine right now ...

I am so excited about my news that I'm smiling and doing the happy dance all over the place (aren't you glad you're not here to witness that!!).

Harry and I are off for an all-expenses paid trip to the Gold Coast in August - courtesy of Stampin' Up! What an incredible end to our first year of Stampin' Up! in New Zealand. There are 3 of us from New Zealand that achieved the trip, so we are probably all doing the happy dance right now.

I have an absolutely amazingly talented team of demonstrators who have done so much better than I had ever thought possible. Thanks to each one of you for your hard work and dedication! All my team are amazing, but Michelle and Megan have totally blown my mind with what they have achieved - you guys all rock!

I want to take some of my team with me next year! If you are already part of my team, then I will get with you and we can plan how we are going to achieve that for you. If you aren't right now, but want to know how you build a business at the same time as building towards joining Harry and I for the annual incentive trip next year, then give me a call on (06) 753-5337, or e-mail me on torresfamily8@hotmail.com and we'll chat about how we can make it happen for you too. Then we can all do the happy dance together ...

To all my fabulous friends and customers who have encouraged and inspired me, and placed larger orders than their husbands think they should have, I say THANK YOU!!! You are all so awesome, and I feel very priviledged to know each and every one of you. I can't wait to stamp some more with you over this next 12 months.

If you want to know what my special thank you is to everyone who has placed an order with me during the last year, make sure that you have signed up for my twice monthly customer e-mail as that information will be coming your way shortly ...

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