Thursday, August 20, 2009


Okay, so I thought that I had been so good and set up postings to post while I was on trip, but alas it doesn't seem to have happened ... I'll check into that when I return! In the meantime I just wanted to touch base and let you all know that we are still alive and kicking! I have so much to share with you, but Harry's laptop doesn't work here, so it will have to wait until tomorrow when I will try and figure out how to get some photos downloaded to show you on the hotel computer.

We have had an absolute blast! We have been cooking (courtesy of Ricky's restaurant and their fabulous team of chefs), eating far too much, shopping far too much, and generally catching up with all the amazing demos from all over NZ and Australia! You should see the amazing swaps that I received from the other demos - talk about talent! I look forward to showing you some of the fabulous ideas in the future!

Take care and I'll be home soon ...

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